Coaching is a highly tuned process of communication and problem solving. The relationship between coach and client is co-creative and focuses entirely on the client's interests, challenges, and goals. If you have ever had a powerful conversation with someone and the result was one of you had a "shift" in thinking or an "AH HA" moment; that's an example of what coaching can accomplish.

An Effective Coach

  • Asks powerful and direct questions.
  • Is always present with their client.
  • Listens at a deep level to their client.
  • Gives perspectives, options, and suggestions to create awareness and catalyze the client's own solutions.
  • Is always focused on the client's agenda.
  • Is genuinely interested in helping the client.
  • Assists the client in setting goals, planning, and strategizing.
  • Holds the client accountable to their goals.
  • Holds the highest professional standards and ethical guidelines.
  • Sees the client's brilliance, strengths, and areas to develop.

Coaching Facilitates

  • Positives changes in your personal and professional life.
  • Discovering your true purpose.
  • Freeing up energy, reducing stress and attracting what you REALLY
  • Identifying what is holding you back.
  • Making meaningful choices that simplify your life.
  • Exploring your spiritual nature.
  • Improving important relationships...including the one with yourself.

What Coaching Is Not

Coaching is not therapy. Coaches do not diagnose, treat, or otherwise "fix" their clients. Coaching is not consulting. Coaches do not advise their clients about how to solve problems. Coaches guide their clients to their own solutions.

"What is it that you truly want for yourself? Answering this question will be all the motivation you need to move toward a joy-filled life and away from a fear-based existence that has kept you from asking this question." - Iyanla Vanzant